Free Sample Lesson Lights, Camera, Community —
Grades 2–3
As Black History Month approaches, we know educators will be continuing their hard work in and commitment to creating affirming and inclusive classrooms where students see themselves reflected in their learning, fostering a sense of belonging, identity affirmation, and a deeper understanding of the world around them.
To support you as you continue in this important work through this month and beyond, we are offering free access to a book from our Sankofa K–3 Black Heritage Collection along with lesson slides. The featured book, Lights, Camera, Community, highlights two engaging selections, “Black Storytelling in Film” and “Where I’m From.”
Sankofa K–3 includes cross-curricular content readers that support culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy. You will find that this reader provides connections to social studies, the arts, and literacy, allowing you to integrate the curriculum into your lessons. You will also notice that this text supports the transferable skills supporting agency and global citizenship.
Fill out the form on this page to access the free lesson that you can use today.

If you are looking for a Kindergarten–Grade 1 lesson, click here.
Build Knowledge That Reflects the Diversity of Canadian Classrooms
Sankofa K–3 content readers will be your new favourite resource. Here’s why:
- The authentic and relevant content is designed to celebrate Black Canadian heritage.
- Non-fiction selections invite students to build background knowledge to support the reading of the original fiction selections within each title.
- Various text types and genres provide cross-curricular opportunities for students to identify and analyze different characteristics, patterns, features, literary devices, and elements of style.
- All student books and teacher resources are available in both print and digital formats.